When there is an elephant in the room or a topic of avoidance, it’s important to find a time and place to have tough conversations. If it’s necessary to address the issues for forward progress, all the more reason to talk. Frequently we might avoid tough conversations due to pride, hurt feelings, feeling insecure about the topic, or feeling overwhelmed.
For instance, when planning to make financial decisions, cards need to be on the table. While it might be uncomfortable to discuss earnings and debt with a significant other or financial professional, it is this exact information required to determine reasonable steps and timelines. There is victory is overcoming and growth, but the initial steps of the journey are intimidating as is discussed here.
Likewise, if there is an aspect of a relationship that makes it impossible to move forward (for example one person settled on having children while the other is immovable in not wanting them), it’s important to address those feelings. Then you can make better decisions for your future rather than avoid it.
By recognizing where efforts are needed (better budgeting, more quality time in a relationship, carving out personal time, ending toxic relationships), we can better focus our efforts to align with our larger goals.
Try to determine which tough conversations you might benefit from and an optimal time/environment to have a discussion. If you need help getting the conversation started, consider these tips to make uncomfortable conversations better. If the conversation might get heated, try these conflict resolution tips to help you determine how you might better approach the situation. Want to learn more or get a tailored perspective, life coaching sessions can offers tips and techniques for exactly that.