Feel More in Control
In the days and weeks when it feels like there is too much going on and chaos is swirling so greatly that it could make you disoriented, it’s important to find a way to stay grounded and feel a semblance of control.
While life coaching can identify specific solutions for reducing chaos for each individual, here’s a universal tip: meal prep. If you have pre-determined meals for the week (even if it’s planning to order burritos on your late night), you remove a decision from that day as well as secure better nutrition than relying on whatever might be “around.” When busy and preoccupied, we often select worse options for convenience or (seeming) lack of importance compared to other items on the to-do list. By having nutritious options, you will better tolerate the stressors of the day versus running on poor nutrients.
If you want to set yourself up for stronger success, take the extra step to prepare your food in advance so it’s easier for the grab-and-go meals (no last-minute lunch packing). Planning ahead can take away some of strain in those otherwise demanding moments while also giving you some added control over your day.