Developing “Wings, Roots, and Reasons”
12/19/2021A popular motivational quote used for parenting is credited to the Dalai Lama:
“Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay”
Dalai Lama
Often families have natural “migratory patterns” for getting together—holidays, birthdays, vacations. If thinking about patterns in your own life, it’s helpful to keep this phrase handy. Want your kid to come home from college during break? Consider why and at what cost. Are you “clipping their wings” from a life experience they might have otherwise participated in? Does their return give them excitement and happiness? If not, why is that and what can you do to help adjust that?
Something else to consider is how circumstances change. Your children may meet new significant others or find new educational/professional opportunities, and these new developments change the previously established dynamic. Would developing updated roots/traditions be helpful to evolve with life’s circumstances?
While the quote’s implications for child rearing are fairly obvious, this quote transcends family into other relationships like friendships and the workplace. If we feel encouraged, supported, and grounded by those around us we are on a much better path. When thinking of ways to bolster relationships, consider how the quote might guide or challenge you to consider ways of ensuring you assist with developments for wings, roots, and reasons.
For one-on-one guidance to help with exactly this, consider life coaching to find personalized opportunities.