Making Tough Decisions
07/03/2022So often life coaching is useful when facing tough decisions that cause internal, and perhaps external, conflict. People can lose sleep, appetite, and quality of life when feeling overwhelmed with an “impossible” decision. Anxieties can grow or productivity can shudder during such a period of decision-making turmoil.
A good first step towards arriving at a decision is to recognize that multiple influences may be in play: emotional, logical, historical, perhaps cultural. Try to determine if a certain influence should have more sway than another. For instance, what if you are debating whether to buy that home that’s out of your price range?
Emotional: Can you picture in detail how adorable your kids would play with the other young neighbors on the cul-de-sac? Have you always wanted to live in that posh neighborhood?
Logical: Is the school system well regarded and well-funded? How is the commute for parent? Is the square footage adequate, ideal, or excessive?
Historical: Have you bid on a home before and continued to come in second or third? Have you been looking for an extended period and been unable to pull things together on past opportunities?
Cultural: Did your siblings/parents/friends have their own home by this age/stage of life? Perhaps there is a “keeping up with the Jones’s” mentality at play.
Additionally, consider pros and cons as well as weight of what’s important to you that might make your decision different from someone else’s. If finances are tight, the decision of whether to buy that home that’s out of your price range may tip more toward logic than emotion. Identifying pressures felt and whether they *should* factor into the equations can obviate soft or blind spots and help improve your decision-making confidence. Working with a life coach may help you understand such influences and arrive to a better decision with improved speed and peace of mind. If something is weighing on you, reach out to get started today.