When Work Expects Too Much
We often place unrealistic expectations on ourselves in various facets of life, but what happens when your work/boss is driving those expectations instead of you? For example, on a day when deadlines converge and the bulk of work lands squarely on your shoulders, what is the best solution? Sick day? Maybe. But if you are looking to avoid days when work expects too much, there are a few questions you can ask yourself in preparation.
Is all of this work only mine?
In other words, does all responsibility lie solely on you? If not, who might be able to take a portion of the task under their purview? Additionally, there may be an untapped resource that could be useful to delegate some of the action items. Need 12 copies of a workbook made for the presentation? Use support staff to oversee printing while you tend to more specific items that require your exact skill set or knowledge.
Are any deadlines possible to achieve earlier or later?
Sometimes we are fully in charge of the work that needs to be completed. Other times we must rely on work completed by another to proceed with ours. Determine if you can manipulate the timeline on certain aspects of work. Knowing this may help identify wiggle room. If next week will be exceptionally chaotic, get a few items completed this week. Know you will be going on vacation during a crucial time period? Consider what can be overseen in your absence and bring someone up to speed while you are still in office. Not possible? Consider if vacation at a different date might serve you better. This is commonly seen in the tax preparation industry where many professionals vacation after Tax Day.
Is this actually possible?
Is the expectation reasonable and attainable by peers of yours? Warning: mindset may play a role here. If the work is so overwhelming that it delays your start, this will only set the starting line further back. Consider if there is a shift in mentality that might serve you better. Are you overlooking a way to optimize your day? You can root out things that waste time (checking email frequently, multitasking and needing to switch between projects, unfocused meetings/phone calls). If you feel the bulk of the work is truly not attainable by one, consider venues to share or delegate work. In some circumstances, it may require a new hire to absorb additional projects as the job grows.
Ultimately, you are a resource. Although we can “Optimize and Work Harder,” we can also strive to make the workload realistic and avoid future resentment related to expectations. If you are still unable to meet demands despite your best efforts, additionally consider if your specific job/role/workplace is right for you.
Need help navigating work anxiety or work load? Use your free consult to determine if life coaching could help you.