Many people feel relaxed in settings with clean lines and minimal clutter. Yet many households struggle with combatting the daily clutter of things like mail and items entering the home that do not have an assigned storage place yet. While it would certainly be ideal to magically blink and clear all the clutter at once, it takes time and effort, often lots of both.
I have found that starting in a small space without sentimental objects, say the junk drawer in the kitchen, to be the easiest. Dump the drawer, clean the space, and then place back what is needed while rehoming or tossing what doesn’t belong. Then—the most important step—defend this space! The next time you think to “stash it there just for now”, don’t. Then slowly expand. Perhaps next you clear and clean the counter that is just by the drawer. Junk mail cannot be placed there. Groceries that didn’t fit into the pantry cannot live there. Only the things that belong in that space return to that space.
Using the verb “defend” may seem silly at first, but it is key. The idea is to realize that it will take protective measures to maintain the changes in the short term as you continue to clear the clutter and find more permanent places for items that make the cut. Need extra motivation? Try taking a before and after picture when doing decluttering projects. It can be satisfying to see the changes that are directly related to your efforts! What will be your starting space?