Work Smarter, Not Harder
Recently, while using a whisk to make whipped cream, the thought of “our immersion blender would have been so much easier” crossed my mind while feeling my arm’s fatigue grow. What an easier and quicker way to reach the same outcome! This is exactly the type of moment that can serve as a springboard for reflection: “What else am I doing the hard way?”
It’s natural to have default ways to accomplish things, but as we grow and gain different skills and/or resources, it is wise to reassess if there may be a better way. For example, at a recent dinner party, I witnessed the host effortlessly prep some herbs in under a minute where it would have taken me over 5 to do the same. I’m not known for my prowess in the kitchen, so I have lots of examples of working harder in this realm. He used the same tools I have, but had a different (read: superior) way to do it. I hadn’t bothered to look into proper prep techniques because it didn’t take *that* long (unlike being motivated to look up how to prep butternut squash after my lengthy first attempt which seemed hazardous to fingers).
If you notice there is something that is taking you longer or is more difficult for you to complete, there might be a smarter way to reach the outcome. While learning more (attaining skill) or using a different resource (blender instead of a whisk) are straightforward options, you may also consider outsourcing as an option (buy prechopped butternut squash). How could you try to work smarter, not harder, in your day-to-day?