Honest Mistakes Happen

02/06/2022 Off By Janice

As we know, perfection is a friend to no one and therefore we are smarter to not expect it of ourselves. Taking that sentiment one step further, we should also acknowledge that others might also make mistakes.

Let’s use the service industry for instance. If you’ve ever dined at a restaurant and noted they were short staffed and spread thin, you could also expect the service to be slower and less attentive. This is a byproduct of the situation, not a reflection of the quality of work the server is capable of. If you don’t keep this in mind, you might be tempted to adjust the tip down as a result of receiving your food after an extended wait and finding the temperature is not a hot as you’d hoped. BUT take a moment to think of the server, and how you might feel running around and trying to do your best in the same scenario. It could be demoralizing to work so hard, and under stress, to have a whole evening of ruined tips because of a schedule error or someone calling out.

As a PSA, I’d like to remind ourselves that honest mistakes happen. If a child drops a cup and makes a mess, punishment would not be appropriate. If you can react instead with understanding and compassion, you might be surprised at the effect this response has on both the person and yourself.

The next time you are disappointed with a mistake, an honest mistake, take a moment to gauge your reaction and see if you can respond with kindness. The next time, it could be your mistake.