Call Your Family

11/28/2021 Off By Janice
Call Your Family

Family traditionally means blood relation, but it can entail various people who hold a special place in our hearts and lives. Any day is a good day to reach out and stay connected, but the holidays can be especially timely. As lives evolve and life experiences progress, traditions may change and attendance can vary. Normally we can appreciate that people get busy and may not be readily available for catching up. This seems to be forgotten around the holidays. Extra weight is placed on spending time with loved ones. So, for some, not being “granted” time can feel like a slight. If there was a pecking order, this *seems* like a real-world ranking. But, on its face, this is not accurate.

Other Considerations

Work demands, logistics pertaining to location and family distribution, travel restrictions (due to time available, finances, or even health reasons), and even simple energy can play a role into our capabilities to join others around the holiday season. Just as you wouldn’t expect your tax accountant cousin to join a family reunion occurring on Tax Day, we cannot expect family to blindly RSVP yes to holiday gatherings when it may be the most expensive or inopportune time to attend.

It would be lovely to participate fully in all things, but for many this is close to impossible. Luckily, good communication can be a pillar for confirming love and importance to family near and far. In addition to messages of support and love during a time when people may be missing past traditions or grieving life changes, visual connection can also be significant. With technology allowing video calls among few or many people at once, it is easier than ever to beam into the lives of loved ones and feel part of the moment despite being a distance away.

If a video call isn’t choice, traditional phone calls are another valuable method to connect with loved ones. Beyond that, sending a handwritten note may also embody a gesture of taking time to demonstrate love and importance for the receiving family member. So, call your family. Communicate that they are important and loved. It’s one of the best holiday gifts to give and receive.

Need help balancing holiday stress and family pressures? Book a life coaching session today!